
Question1:IsittooearlytoestablisharegulatoryframeworkforInternet/OTTservices,sinceinternetpenetrationisstillevolving,accessspeedsare ...,2024年2月5日—遠傳friDay影音連續三年榮登2023年本土OTT娛樂影音平台網路聲量冠軍,隨著農曆新年假期將至,遠傳friDay影音即日起也推出春節追劇優惠, ...,2024年5月22日—Proposedbroadcastingbillthreatensstreamingcontent,OTTindustry.Thebillprohibitsstreamingcontentdispla...

proposal on regulation of OTTs

Question 1: Is it too early to establish a regulatory framework for Internet/OTT services, since internet penetration is still evolving, access speeds are ...

蟬聯本土OTT影音平台網路聲量第一!遠傳friDay影音春節 ...

2024年2月5日 — 遠傳friDay影音連續三年榮登2023年本土OTT娛樂影音平台網路聲量冠軍,隨著農曆新年假期將至,遠傳friDay影音即日起也推出春節追劇優惠, ...

Proposed broadcasting bill threatens streaming content ...

2024年5月22日 — Proposed broadcasting bill threatens streaming content, OTT industry. The bill prohibits streaming content displaying violence, mysticism, LGBT ...

2023 OTT Funding Opportunity FAQs

In addition to an overall budget, an SF-424A must be submitted for each year of the proposal. Applicants must also provide a separate budget for each ...

[Download] Platform requirements

A Request for Proposal (RFP) is a formal document issued by a company or organization (in this case, those looking to launch, expand or migrate an OTT ...

Develop a Detailed OTT Project Plan

Telebreeze experts can prepare a detailed project plan to help you to launch an OTT service. This is a consulting service which includes evaluation of your ...

This has to be the most OTT proposal story we've ever heard

4 天前 — The New Zealand-based personal trainer just pulled off one of the most extravagant proposals we've ever seen, involving a helicopter ride, a ...

OTT Business Plan 101

2023年2月25日 — The business plan should include a detailed description of the platform, the target audience, technology and services, pricing and monetization ...

Business Proposal

Highlights for Goose OTT proposal. 1. Live TV and VOD in one platform. 2. End users enjoy the streaming service across multi devices. 3. Develop your reseller ...

美國四大電視網附屬組織希望美國聯邦通信委員會(FCC)重新 ...

2020年8月24日 — FCC早在2014年即針對OTT監理議題提出公眾意見徵詢(Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, NPRM),並將特定服務樣態之OTT業者定義為MVPD,以對其進行監理。至於 ...